Preventing Crisis: Revamping Mental Health Signposting

Collaborating with UEA, we researched online mental health signposting through targeted user testing, paving the way for more proactive and accessible healthcare

NHS - Preventing Crisis: Revamping Mental Health Signposting

In a crucial endeavor to revamp how individuals seek mental health assistance online, our team embarked on a collaborative user testing case study. Partnering with the UEA, we sought to gain a deeper understanding of users’ online search patterns for mental health services, aiming to foster an environment where help is sought promptly, avoiding critical emergency situations.

The challenge

A significant issue plaguing mental health services, administered by the NHS, is the delay in individuals seeking help, often reaching out only at the crisis point. This delay escalates the pressure on frontline services, creating a reactive rather than a proactive approach to mental health management. The vital necessity was to usher individuals to appropriate services where they could self-manage symptoms and address issues before escalating to emergencies. The challenge lay in discerning the paths individuals naturally take while seeking online assistance and the barriers they face in accessing timely help.

Our approach

To address this, our team paired with the UEA to undertake a systematic exploration of users’ attitudes and behaviors when seeking mental health services online. Through ethical interviews and usability testing, we delved deep into the experiences and perspectives of a diverse group of participants.

Our method involved a full behavioral analysis, where we discerned common themes and patterns in the experiences shared by participants. This process not only included investigating the approach of individuals towards known mental health conditions but also ventured into understanding the exploratory paths taken when the conditions were unknown. The goal was to map out the range of services users are most likely to consider during their search.

Our recommendations

Based on our meticulous research, we identified core issues affecting users during their online search for help. Assigning severity values to each identified issue allowed us to prioritize areas that needed urgent attention. Our recommendations focused on elevating user experience in each of these high-priority areas, creating a more intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient signposting provided by the NHS or other services.

Collaboratively, with the UEA, we encapsulated our findings and recommendations in a comprehensive research paper. This paper, which serves as a pivotal guide to innovating digital signposting services, was presented to the Clinical Commissioning Group to aid in shaping the future trajectory of online mental health service facilitation.

The outcome

As we await the implementation of our recommendations, we stand at the cusp of a transformative phase in online mental health service provision. By grounding the design changes in real user experiences and needs, we anticipate a system that is much more aligned with users’ natural pathways of seeking help, fostering timely intervention and potentially averting crises.


This collaborative initiative highlights the indispensability of grounded research in steering policy and system design towards more user-friendly and efficient frameworks. Our venture with the UEA represents a stride towards a mental health service ecosystem where help is not just available but is also accessible, intuitive, and timely. By addressing the barriers identified, we aspire to forge a pathway where individuals are empowered to seek and find the help they need, precisely when they need it, thereby fostering a proactive, preventive approach to mental health care.

So, how can we help

If you want to reduce development costs, build a new digital product, or just improve the experience for both your customers and your bottom line, we should talk.

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